Well, well, WELL! (and ahoy 2023)

As we enter 2023 – indeed, at the time this site was created, it was two hours to 2023 – now, around … well, 20 minutes odd to midnight and the New Year.

And, it’s so apt this site is being created when it is – 2023 has grand plans for our businesses Spicy and Erotic Fetish – and Paye Lagu Malkin … JI! – and of course, Footboy Publications!

All will be revealed in “dew” time, of course. Hehe.

Never does to “announce one’s plans first” – I’d rather do the thing first and then tell everyone about it!

As Napoleon Hill so sagely said,

Tell the world what you’re going to do – but show them first!

And so it shall be here, so it is with femdom and fetish, which is what Footboy Publications deals with, as you can tell!

It’s been a part of my life since I was young, born.

A passion unlike any other that burns no matter what, and today, is it any surprise I’m doing it as a business – as “humbly” as ever?

I think NOT, my friend.

FROM the heart is what counts, it always has.

You will ALWAYS attract it if you truly feel it deep down inside!

Anyway, thats enough for this one. For now, as we ring in the New Year – – Paye Lagu, Madam JI!

You’re so – TOO – nice!


Mike Watson